At the end of the PSRS Programme, the student should be able to:
Apply knowledge of photonics, data science and micro-nanotechnology fundamentals
Design and conduct experiments involving imaging, technologies, micro-nanotechnologies or laser processes
Analyze and interpret data by data processing or artificial intelligence methods
Identify, formulate and solve photonic or digital photonic problems
Design a system, component or process to meet industrial needs
Work in multidisciplinary, multicultural and geographically spread teams
Understand the professional and ethical responsibility
Communicate effectively in oral, written and other media forms
Have a broad education necessary to understand the impact of science solutions in a global and societal context and to advance sustainability
Recognize the need to engage in lifelong learning and the abilitity to do so
The definition of above learning outcomes are variable as they are the result of the close involvement of our industrial partners in the learning design of PSRS. Hence they are likely to change from one semester to another to best meet the requirements of employers.
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