Successful completion of the iPSRS Erasmus Mundus Joint Master will result in the award of multiple Master's degrees (i.e. 4 national diplomas issued by 4 higher education institutions from 4 European countries and fully recognized in these respective countries). In line with the Bologna Accords, those degrees benefit from a wide recognition in Europe and beyond.
According to the concentration (mobility) which has been chosen by the graduate, the consortium will deliver either multiple diplomas from:
Awarding Institution
University Jean Monnet (UJM)
University of Eastern Finland (UEF)
University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)
Vilnius University (VU)
National degrees awarded, official name in local language
National degrees awarded, legalized English translation
In addition to official diplomas and to ensure the best understanding and recognition of iPSRS graduates achievements, notably towards recruiters, iPSRS Consortium will deliver to each student a personalized Diploma Supplement, signed by all awarding Higher Education Institutions and issued by University Jean Monnet, the iPSRS coordinating institution, including:
awarded degrees in national languages and a legalized English translation.