Laboratory of Images, Signals and Intelligent Systems (LISSI, (EA N ° 3956) belongs to the University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC). It was created in January 2005 after by merging three UPEC laboratories that are: LIIA, LERISS, and I2S. The laboratory is administratively managed by the Institute of Technology of Créteil-Vitry (IUT CV) and brings together associate/full professors from four different departments of UPEC. The LISSI develops multidisciplinary, theoretical and applied research activities in the field of Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies and in particular in artificial intelligence. The targeted applications are mainly in the field of healthcare and wellbeing technologies and are focused on challenging issues such as support for medical diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring, assistance to elderly and paretic patients, and e-health. The scientific project of the laboratory is organized under the following research teams:
1. Hard optimization, and vascular imaging;
2. Bio-inspired perception of the environment, and hidden biometry;
3. Assistive robotics and ambient intelligence;
4. Adaptive control of communication systems.